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EKAGRA CHESS ACADEMY, seeks to alter the way, students learn things. Our kingpin is on engaging students mind into the studies through CONCENTRATION. The focus is on increasing Concentration levels in individual which will help them stand uniquely apart from the crowd. Our underlying concept is EKAGRATA - ( एकाग्रता , One pointedness), is intent pursuit of one object/subject; absolute intentness in the contemplation of an object/subject of meditation, holding the mind in perfect concentration on a single point of thought - Sandeep Naidu(CEO & Senior Coach)
Adrian de Groot, a psychologist in the 1960’s became very interested in the use of chess as an educational tool. He began studying the thinking behavior of chess players in Russia. In particular he observed that there was a significant difference approach between those who highly skilled and experienced in chess to those who were new to the game.
Watson-Glaser appraised the value of chess as a learning tool and showed overwhelmingly “that chess improved critical thinking skills more than the other methods of enrichment.”
Researchers in US concluded that, qualities like Decision making, problem solving, pattern recognition, Imagination, creativity, critical thinking, innovation were build naturally in an individual while playing chess because CHESS IMPROVES CONCENTRATION.
As per National Education policy 2020, Fit India is to be a part of student’s day to day curriculum to prepare new India to be fit India. Students will be encouraged to be a part of clubs like CHESS & yoga. It focuses completely on how you can inculcate critical & imaginative skills in your education system. More focus has been added towards innovation, adaption, creativity, curiosity & commitment. Inquiry based, discovery based , discussion based & analysis based education has been implemented in the education policy.You can achieve all the above mentioned qualities included in the national education policy through CHESS.
A concentrated mind yields often more worthwhile results than the one that wanders aimlessly in all directions. A distracted mind cannot achieve what it desires but a focused thought leads a man towards success with perfect efficiency. Concentration, in its deeper sense becomes the sole sponsor of one's fruitful actions.
Definition-CONCENTRATION is the unwavering focus. When you start doing something, you don't let the distractions come in your way to drift your focus somewhere. You are so determined that, you don't let any distraction come in your way until you finish the work.
Concentration helps you in n number of ways:
In chess players, meaningful knowledge is stored in memory in the form of networks and patterns, and these patterns provide the roots essential for remembrance . Thus the chess players are able to remember and recognize chunks of information. In chess, these chunks are visual representations in which particular configurations are recognized. These relate to and often cue prior successful responses or pattern responses. What is an involved long sequence of decision making of information for novices in chess, is processed by the students who are chess players, in “one go”. It seems that chess players develop complex but efficient structures for memory storage and management.
One of the indispensable objective of education is to teach children to think critically: students must learn to make reasoned judgments. Chess is an excellent tool to demonstrate the theme of critical thinking.During a game, a player must hatch a plan to attack and defense.
The formulation of a plan entails that the player must not only reflect on how similar problems are solved, but also the player must perform a systematic checking of possible combinations of moves and then arrive at an evaluation of each line. The process is a mental exercise where pieces are envisioned to be moving from square to square and the player reflects on the characteristics of the position to finally produce a reasoned outcome (move) which amplifies their critical thinking.
Mathematicians have estimated that there are approximately 10^140 possible unique games of chess playable. Thus chess will never become just a repetition of previously played moves. So how can a player possibly make a decision as to which plan to choose with so many possible choices? Even with complicated evaluative techniques, choosing the best plan can be very difficult. The chess player must often must rely on intuition. The best chess players are often those who have an acute feel or intuition for which move is correct. This can be a useful tool in education. Intuition is generally undervalued in educational terms but can be a very useful tool in both problem solving and real life applications when the steps to solve a problem are not easily apparent.
Are there links between mathematics and chess? Chess players are often considered mathematically oriented and there are obvious similarities as chess is a game of problem solving, evaluation, critical thinking, intuition and planning — much like the study of mathematics. Studies have shown that students playing chess have increased problem solving skills over their peers. Researcher suggests that while students playing chess learn concepts through physical and visual stimuli and correlate these concepts to cognitive patterns, mathematics in the classroom usually involves only pure symbolic manipulation. Thus there seems to be some evidence to suggest that chess acts as a sort of link in connecting form (symbolic) with understanding (physical and visual).
There are gobs of ways in which CONCENTRATION helps you in your EDUCATIONAL performance! To find out more join your hands with us to learn various methods and techniques to improve your concentration levels through CHESS, which in turn will help you in excelling in your ACADEMICS also!
To be concentrated, you keep your single-pointedness on one thing for an extended period of time!Look at the opportunities throughout your day, there are different methods and technologies to improve your concentration. Even small practices yields excellent results!
If you are completing your homework, you just focus on completing it until you finish it.
Our experts will help you to find the best personalized techniques which suits you. To learn more about how can you practice concentration in your day to day life and transform yourself, join our academy now!
Research & studies have shown that, children who play chess has better academic results, than those children who doesn’t. Since, chess taps the concentration, the student is more likely to process more information faster than any other normal kid who is not involved in playing chess. The following reports are the compilation of different searches.
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